We came upon this pride of Lionesses in the early hours of the morning. They were sprawled around in the high grass just off the road. Pretty soon, irritated by the flies, one Lioness broke off and wandered over to this tree.
She circled around the Acacia before finally making the leap onto the fork of the main trunk
Our intrepid explorer weighing her options before choosing her route into the canopy
That caught the attention of the rest of the pride
Pretty soon, another Lioness joined her
The early bird may catch the worm, but the early lions find the most comfortable spot…for a nap.
The latecomers are not so lucky.
Restless, uncomfortable, she tries to move around, over, onto the other Lionesses. Which earns her an exasperated look
Suitably chastened, she moves onto greener pastures - namely the other side of the tree.
The last Lioness is stuck. The tree is full of irritable sleepy Lionesses. She attempts to find a way up but every avenue is blocked off by a slumbering body
She makes her peace with the situation and settles down in the fork. All 7 (!) Lionesses are now spread out over the tree.
Just as they settled down comfortably, a young Buffalo wandered away from it’s herd and close to their tree. As one, all the Lionesses converged with singular focus and intent - thoughts of restful repose discarded.