At work, we have a garden. Technically it’s just a linear patch of green that runs parallel to the workshop, but it acts as an oasis, a place of calm and quiet in our rapidly urbanising environment.
About 20 years ago, my father cleared this little space and planted some seeds. Today the green has run amok, spread out to occupy the entire space, climbed up walls, torn them down and become a home for a wide variety of plants and animals.
Amongst these various inhabitants, my favourite are the Purple Rumped Sunbirds. They are a constant source of distraction and I’ve spent many afternoons watching them as they flit from the bougainvillea covered Peepal to the Bauhinias to the Cork, learning more and more about their behaviour.
Leading up to the monsoons of 2019, they started building a nest right outside a window of the workshop. The area was also where our workers gathered during their breaks. As they built the nest, they were habituated to constant human presence and that gave me a unique opportunity to document the entire process, using the blinds of the windows and neighbouring trees as cover.
At the time, I was unaware of the ethical pitfalls of nesting bird photography. If I knew then what I know now, maybe I wouldn’t have taken these photos. But nevertheless, here is their story.